French Language Support at Home

About French Immersion Kindergarten to Grade 2

Students are exposed to a full French Immersion program where they will focus primarily on oral French language. They will be introduced to basic French sounds and words. Students learn reading strategies which can be applied in any language. Students will not receive any English language instruction. English is something parents should work on with their children at home.

About French Immersion Grade 3 to Grade 6

Students are exposed to full French Immersion written and oral language in grades 3 to 6. They will receive curricular instruction in English Language Arts.

Free Online French tutors!

To get started, download the pdf document to set your child up with NLSD’s approved French tutor online program.

Parents can download the Duolingo app on their child’s tablet or phone. Duolingo will adapt the lessons to suit your child’s French language level. This app is free, but can be even more effective with a paid for subscription.
The website Le Petits Tigres is a nice early years French resource for parents.
Storybooks that you can read with your children in French or Cree. All free!