Pre-Cam Community School and Northern Lights School Division uses Edsby to track student attendance and grades, and to share classroom and school news. This is your main digital portal for learning how your child is doing. After you have signed in once for your child, you will be able to use the same login information from Kindergarten to Grade 12.
Parents are strongly encouraged to download the Edsby app on their phone so that they can become connected to the school. Once the school has your personal email address (typically shared when you register your child), the school will send you an invitation email. This email will invite you to connect your Edsby account to your child's Edsby account.
Getting Started on Edsby

Pre-Cam's River of News
Pre-Cam shares specific news and information on Edsby. Parents are strongly encouraged to sign up for Edsby to receive the most up to date information about what is going on at school. Parents should also look for extra-curricular groups hosted by Pre-Cam. Pictures, dates, and details can often be found on these group pages: