January 5, 2022
Dear Room 15 Parents:
We have received notification from a parent or staff member of a positive rapid test for COVID-19. We believe that your child may have been exposed to this positive case in the days before the test was completed and may therefore be considered a Close Contact.
The following flow chart provides a visual of the steps to consider and implications for students.
The current Public Health Order provides direction for individuals after a positive rapid test result and this direction is summarized in the flow chart below:

The Public Health Order permits students who are close contacts to continue to attend school if they do not display any symptoms regardless of vaccination status. Unvaccinated students are required to self-isolate at all other times other than when at school or daycare.
Students are asked not to attend school and seek medical advice if feeling unwell or showing any symptoms. As a potential close contact, the SHA would strongly recommend your child(ren) take a self rapid test, which are readily available to families across the province.
If you require additional support related to questions about self-isolation requirements, please contact Healthline at 811. The school is unable to provide additional support related to contact tracing and self-isolation requirements as the case in question has been identified by a parent or staff member and not by the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA).
Thank you for your continued partnership as we work to keep schools healthy and safe for students and staff. We’re looking forward to a great beginning of 2022!

R. Kuppenbender