Level 4 – Mandatory remote learning (transition to alternative learning opportunities, online)
Hello Pre-Cam Families.
We will be transitioning to our Level 4 Covid-19 plan. Below are the details regarding our plan.
Class Schedule:

Class Attendance
Attendance will be taken each day. To achieve daily attendance a student must do one or more of the following:
1. Attend the live sessions with their classroom teacher on Teams.
2. Fully complete and submit assignments to their classroom teacher.
3. In collaboration with your child’s classroom teacher, establish a learning plan for your child.
Class Online Instruction
Instruction – The focus to online learning will be with ELA(English), FLA(French) and math. There will also be time allotted for phonic awareness for students who struggle with reading.
Satellite classes – Students will have an opportunity to check in and participate in activities with their arts education teacher, physical education teacher and library. These times are noted in the above schedule.
Screen time – Try to limit the amount of hours your child is exposed to technology in a day. Take time to spend some time outdoors and getting physically active.
Internet Safety/Activity – be mindful of your child’s activity on Microsoft Teams. The chat features are for school purposes only and should be limited to asking for educational support. If reports of misuse occur, your child’s account could be temporarily disabled by NLSD #113.
Students – at Pre-Cam will have varying degrees of access and comfort utilizing the technology as well as challenges following the schedule. Please try your best to support your child’s education and communicate with your classroom teacher often.
Teachers – will have a unique approach to delivering online instruction to their students. Some are more comfortable with technology than others. If you are experiencing difficulty, it is important to communicate with your classroom teacher, be patient and as a team help provide a learning experience that will support your child.
For students registered for online classes (Mrs. Cross’s, Ms. Zarazun’s or Ms. Dreaver’s online classes)
Please continue to follow the schedule that you have been using with your online teacher.
You are welcome to take part in Art, Phonemic Awareness, Physical Education or Library classes.